Realize: We Are the Cosmos-She Is Alive

Artie Vipperla, PhD
5 min readDec 1, 2020


To Come Fully Alive, Singly and Together, Creating Thriving for All,

We Need to say, “No More!” to By-Passing Materialism’s Insults

Life Is Screaming for Us to Challenge the Abstract Fiction that You and Reality

Are Made of Dumb, Numb, Dead Stuff:

Materialist Models Are Like Skeletons, Precise, but Lifeless, Including AI Systems

Bless Their Countless Uses Including this Marvel I Am Writing On and the Global Web I Reach You Through


But Tech Tools that Make and Control Things

Are Stick-Figures that Caricature Reality

Not the Truth that Sets Us Free in Soul and Spirit


Failure to Distinguish Clearly has Turned Machine Tech into Weaponry

We Are Warring Against Nature as well as Against Ourselves


Mindlessly Conflating Biology with Machinery Has Become Propaganda

Numbing Masses to the Global Assault on Life


This Dominance of the Cult of Control Boomerangs Unconsciously On Us

Producing THE Epidemic, Civilization’s Crushing but Hidden Discontent


From Birth Everyone Gets the Vibe, “You’re A Cog in the Wheel, Here to Fit In”

So, We Shrivel, Unwittingly, Self-Protectively, Fashioning Ourselves Into Machinery


Our Bodily Postures and Gaits Start as Reactive Habits that Turn Rushed, Harsh, Forceful

Which We Transpose Into Mental Mechanisms, the Abstract Weapons of War Culture


As for THE Antidote?

You Create a Vibrant Inner Family, Ever Newly, with Your Inner “Dream Mom” in Charge

And You Gather All Inner Tech Experts to Aid, Not Run, Your Inner Healing

All of This to Engage WHO in You has been left Unnurtured, Estranged.

No Longer to Think, Speak, or Act as if You’re Made of “What’s?” like Pieces and Parts


And You Bring All of You into Play, Physically, Head-Chest-Belly-Genitals

Soulfully, Turning how you Think-Feel-Act-Desire to Notice-Care-Experience-Appreciate


Then, Moving Inwardly with Life’s Most Loving Gesture: Gentle, Rhythmic Hugging — Instructions for COSMOLVING See Links below

Inviting and Embracing Pained Moments Since Infancy that Live as Long-mute Gut-talk


Times of Hurt, Sad, Pissed, Scared, Confused, left to Conclude “I’m NOT… (good, loveable)

You Invite to Join Your Caring Inner Family, No Longer Submitting to Tech Tactics to Control, Dismiss, or Delete “Negative Thoughts”


You Practice Offering Healing Through Meeting, You with Younger Versions of You, Inviting, Allowing, Welcoming

Until Your Welcome Is Welcomed, and Meeting thru Moving Opens Meditatively to . . .


Know You’re Known, Feel Being Felt, Experience Being Experienced, Enjoy Being Enjoyed.


NOW PAUSE — For to Say More Calls for Meeting with YOU, and

Using Words to Create a Moment Not Only “Out of the Box” but also “Out of All Boxing” — No Longer Familiar Workings of Mental Machinery


So, Get Ready for Wording like in the Ancient Practice of “Loving Wisdom” (in Greek, Philosophy)

I Will be Coining Phrases to Call Up and Down and Out the Understanding Needed to Make Sense of Them


In the Fullest Meeting, Both Who Meets and Who Is Met Create Contact So Mutual as to Fill with Streaming:


Knowing and Known both Lit with Self-Illumining Light

Feeling and Felt in Contact through Self- Embracing Love

Experiencing and Experienced Opened and Entered by Self-Gifting Power

Pleasuring and Pleasured Infused with Self-Surpassing Joy


You Come to Know Immediately, Feel Concretely, Enact Directly

That All You Are and Do Is Potentially Self-Co-Creative


You, at Your Most True, At Once Originate, Act as Agent, and End Up More You

To Use Words in Another New Way to Do Justice to Stepping Out of All “Boxing,”

You, as someONE, Are Always YOU-ing You


Now THIS Emerging Here, Opens to Include Self-Co-Creating that Pervades AND Surpasses

All that Emerges as THIS Set of Concrete Particulars Detected by Your 5 Senses and

Also All THIS You Intuit with Your 6th Sense as Endless Contexts


Some Mystery of Mysteries as Source of All Sourcing Sings You Into Humbling Awe

Ultimately, and Invaluably True, Beautiful, Goodness of Glimpsing THIS THIS


Unsayable, Soundless Yet Unquestionably Divine Echoing-Mirror of YOUR Divine Being

Reveals the Ultimate Essence of You


But Notice Carefully: Divine is Nothing You Own or Possess

Rather Always Awaiting for You to Meet Anew


In Blessed Instants You So Thoroughly Turn to THE Source of All Turning and Creating

That You, at Once Humbled and Uplifted, Open into Sublimely Loving and Beloved Thanks


Then You Realize You as Divine-Cosmic-Uniquely-Invaluable-Bringing-Heaven-to-Earth

As Streaming Self-Illuming Light, Self-Embracing Love, Self-Gifting Power, Self-Surpassing Joy


Translating Such Realization into Everyday Life

You Cease Speaking of “my brain thinks” or “part of me wants”


You Come to Think, Speak, and Act, Saying and Meaning “I”

As Who Self-Co-Creatively Originates, Acts, and Emerges in Your Life


Then to Ground Experientially Any Practices that Involve

Presencing, Awakening, Imagining, Ascending, Etc.

You No Longer Are Content to Separate or Rely on Any Single Energetic Thread,

Awareness, Imagination, Compassion, Commitment, Ecstasy, Exertion, Prowess, Whatever, All Blend and Balance


By Purposefully, Awaredly, Discerningly, Caringly, Transformingly, Intuitively

You Notice, Feel, Experience, and Appreciate


How Every Moment that Comes, As Here, Now, Is At Once. . .

THIS that You See, Hear, Taste, Smell, Touch AND

THIS that You Sense, Contexts and Contexts of Contexts without Limit

And THIS THIS-ness, Testifying by Emerging Pervasively In and Through All to Ultimate Source of Sourcing that the Devout Call God


Then Every Place, Time, Thing, Comes Alive As You Are

And Channeling Becomes Possible as Indigenous Peoples Know


Every Here, Alive with Everywhere, Outside-In-ing, Localizing Boundlessness,

Every Now, Alive with Every Moment, Inside-Out-ing, Temporalizing Timelessness


So You Rouse from Sleepwalking and Into Ever Fuller Vibrance


Let All the Above Guide You in Practicing “COSMOLVING,”

Turning Cosmic Evolving into Personal Expression


So, Regularly Each Day You Cleanse, Balance, Energize Ever More Fully

Renewing You Each Moment, All the Way. . .


Down to Go Up.

In to Go Out,

Through to Go Beyond


The Song to Dance in Every Tissue and Radiate Boundlessly

You as Ever Fuller Source of Divine-Cosmic-Uniquely Invaluable


Instancing of Reflexive, Self-Co-Creating:

3 D Physically:

Figure-8-ing, Experiencing Toroidal Vortexing


4 D Psychologically:

Celebrating Insight As Revealing Experience as How You’ve Shaped It


5 D Spiritually:

Coming Ever Anew to Embrace Timeless Truths as Self-Evident


Law of Heaven — As Above So Below

Law of Love — Giving Is Receiving

Law of Karma — Whatever Goes Around Comes Around


Eternal Loving Blessings,



Free playlist, instructions/demos:

Free ebook, about 50 pages:



Artie Vipperla, PhD
Artie Vipperla, PhD

Written by Artie Vipperla, PhD

Harvard econ Vietnam PhD psych author US Congress “Legacies of Vietnam” & “Healing from the War” see “Meet Artie” at

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