Soothing Shrieking Newborns and the Genius of Harmonizing
I just came across a video by a baby doctor who found a way to hold and rock screaming newborns that calms them in 5 seconds.
How wonderful for so many parents and infants. His first video got millions of views in the first few days.
And this is both so affirming and also humbling for me.
First, affirming because for a decade I have been sharing a discovery of an amazingly soothing way of moving ourselves as adults that is similar to his.
“Harmonize All of You with All,” is the name of my new “#! new release” book, and is best accompanied by a 60-day course, “Harmonize Essentials,” both of which you can buy here:
Harmonizing, like the good doc’s newborn soothing, also involves crossing arms and undulating chest spiraling, once you shift from breath work to breath blessing, so that you welcome breath to breathe and move you effortlessly.
I suggest that the deep relief for newborns and the fusion practice that came to me are two distinct but deeply related ways of tapping into ultimate sources for bringing harmony into us.
Here is a fun way of tracking those sources that is a rhymed set of 7 tweets from the intro to a chapter of my new book.
I was moved to provide a fun flourish of this kind, a channeling of the Cosmic Dr. Seuss :-) , to suggest a light way to appreciate the the theme of each of the 12 chapters):
Connecting Harmonizing & Newborn Soothing
For ten years, I have been sharing a major finding from observing through psychic energy reading the changes that result from Harmonizing:
The fusion of meditation, yoga, energy healing, prayer, breath and body work that came to me is unique in my 50-year experience of trauma work in being able to soothe retroactively trauma that dates from earliest days and weeks of life.
I’ve been calling that original distress “the trauma of traumas since infancy.”
As for humbling, here’s a fellow health care professional, about my age, who manages in his first video to demo a simple, clear, effective way to go from some undesirable state (screaming newborn) to desirable (calm baby) fast and reliably and the responses pour in.
In the decade since my own discovery came, I’ve heard advice from numerous online biz honchas, honchos and marketers telling me to do exactly what he did: show a simple, clear effective way to go from “no good” to “much better.”
3 websites later, scores of videos, a blog, a “#1 new release” book that has received raves among folks who still read
and I haven’t come close to pulling off that kind of outreach and engagement . . . yet.
Now, Dr. Hamilton has inspired me to ask you a few questions as a way into a clearer sharing of the genius of Harmonizing.
So Ponder This
What if the way we, you and I and our fellow humans, are still screaming is so muted and projected outward we don’t hear or recognize what’s going on?
What if, for all the good work you’ve done and progress you’ve made personally, you still, like all of us, carry inwardly your own unique version of the deeply unresolved pervasive conflict you see outwardly in the world?
What if this state of conflict began at birth and has remained with you and even deepened in some ways ever since?
What if the root discord is between who you truly are, and somehow always knew before you could think or talk, and how you’ve been treated since the beginning and talked into thinking and speaking as if the mainstream version of reality is THE truth?
What if, right now, here as you read, you consider as an alternative to mainstream reality, a way of phrasing the timeless truth of universal wisdom, both indigenous and sacred:
Who you are ultimately is a Divine cosmic uniquely invaluable heavenly messenger.
Then Let’s Go On from That
Pause and consider:
How fully did your mother receive you at birth as this timeless truth, and consistently acknowledge you through your growing up?
And what about your father?
And the other people close to you through growing up?
So, could it have been that you, like virtually every soul born into “civilization” in the last few thousand years, got the message in vibes from birth:
“Dear cute precious thing, we will love you, but we will be sure to train you to fit in, play the game, and learn how to get your needs met in the huge mega-machine we call the world, where everyone has to fit like cogs in the social wheels of structured life.”
“As for where you came from before conception and where you’re headed after death, we don’t live in touch with that. Forget about it. We might mention God on Friday, Saturdays, Sundays, or prayer times, but to make it in this world you have t know your place.”
And what has been “your place” as you learned in school, reinforced by daily dealings with official reality the world over?
Doesn’t the mainstream picture paint you as an insignificant clump of physics and chemistry coagulated into neuro-bio-machinery, with some psychological, cultural, and maybe spiritual qualities, all inside the tiny spec you are in this vast, cold, uncaring universe?
Now, what if the discrepancy between the timeless truth of wisdom and how you’ve been treated, which dates from before you could think or talk, stays with you as the way you retreat inside an unconscious, self-protective, energetic shell, to fend off the deeply squelching, belittling dismissals of a lifetime?
What if these hurts don’t rise into clear thoughts, emotions, or behaviors but remain as silent shrieking you were forced into learning to mute as an infant when nobody soothed or bothered to draw you out and uncover the truth of your experience?
What if all you know and have done to clear, release, or repattern trauma by correcting thoughts and beliefs, emotions and behaviors, only skims the surface because of bypassing the underlying muted shrieking?
What if our widespread human agony has been begging like a soundless, spiritual-energetic collective wail for a simple, clear, effective way each of us can bring deep and thorough soothing into all the long-suffering moments that we each carry within in our unique ways?
And finally, what if you are now being introduced to just such a source of unprecedented and monumental soothing, as how to . . .
“Harmonize All of You with All”?
A Newly Revealed Fusion Practice
This discovery came spontaneously the morning of my 67th birthday, which was in the midst of my 5th decade of a post-Vietnam War quest to aid in creating a world that makes war obsolete.
On that day, I rose from devotions, a mix of meditation, yoga, energy healing, prayer, breath, and body work, and began moving in slow-motion, effortlessly. Moving was moving me.
And drawing on heightened energy sensitivity that had come in my early 60’s, I could tell that two astounding changes were happening together, along with the unusually heightened good feeling that was filling me to overflowing.
First, my subtle energies, especially of my astral aura, were doubling every few minutes.
What is so astounding? Even if just one doubling happens daily for ten days, do the arithmetic and that means your aura expands 1,000 times. For 20 days it’s 1-million-fold increase. For 30 days 1 trillion.
What? Expanding subtle energies exponentially to Cosmic proportions? How is that possible? No practice I had encountered in 5 decades even hints at such a possibility.
Then too, I noticed for the first time in my decades of having been recognized as one among national experts in trauma work that AND an underlying deep traumatic energy was diminishing.
This second change was so surprising because of the discovery that had come a couple of years earlier with the heightening of energy sensitivity.
It was then that I had become curious to check my work and found evidence that all I had managed to do in 40 years of every imaginable form of therapy, healing, and transformational disciplines was reduce symptoms.
And it was not just me.
Checking the energy of dozens of colleagues who get positive reports from clients after processes to clear, heal, or release trauma I found the same pattern. Symptoms were definitely reduced, but underlying, deep trauma unchanged.
Let me now skip to the present, after a decade of practice, teaching, contemplation and research, all of which has led to understanding these two changes as intimately related.
Many Trickles to the Ultimate Fused
All the disciplines that fused in the discovery that came to me originated as ways to tap Divine cosmic harmony as source of sources.
Their apparent blend in “Harmonizing” is a new revelation that widens and deepens by fusing the traditional “trickles” into a profuse river of energetic infusion.
Harmonizing more fully and directly than any traditional path or integration of them yields a grounded and immediate experience of coming home to who we truly are.
As for growing subtle energies rapidly into cosmic proportions, consider that this expanding energetic ground invites more opening to realizing that as Divine sparks our home is the cosmos, and our faculties all instance cosmic energies infusing themselves into, as and through us:
Opening How We Think, Feel, Act, and Desire to Their Cosmic Sources
To take just the 4 major gatherings of energetic expression we associate with head, heart, belly-limb, and genital expression:
- Our intelligence streams self-illumining boundless cosmic Light
- Our care and connecting beams all pervasive, self-embracing cosmic Love
- Our capacity to act arises as self-gifting cosmic Power acts through us
- And our desire and capacity for pleasure erupts as ever self-surpassing cosmic self-renewing Ecstasy that comes, and comes, and comes into us and our various erupting expressions, from surprise, crying, and laughter, to orgasm.
Now for how to introduce you further so that you can explore why and how “Harmonizing” is destined to join other daily no-brainers like brushing teeth and eating organic.
How You Can Make this Revelation Yours
For the last 10 years I’ve been giving away a free sample video so folks can get the look, sound, and feel.
Years of experience have shown that very few “get it” that way.
Oh, folks can easily get a “ok, feels nice” hit. But it takes guidance and follow-through for even most advanced life coaches I’ve met to melt through the deeply unconscious numbing that is widespread even among empaths to begin to appreciate the wonder of this new fusion practice.
Rather than follow the familiar habit of passing judgment on “what’s in the way” as “resistance” or “negative beliefs” that need busting, I will follow all I’ve suggested above with this:
Instead of asking and focusing on “WHAT is in the way” I suggest asking “WHO in you may be understandably skeptical, reluctant, even dubious?
Then, you may find yourself able to open empathically and inwardly to consider that you may harbor younger “you’s” who are entrenched in some unspoken pose, that if voiced might sound like:
Any of Your Inner Voices Be Like . . .
“Are you crazy? ‘Divine cosmic uniquely invaluable Heavenly messenger’? That’s not us. Nothing we’ve known about ourselves gives a hint of that.
“Look, we have enough trouble making it as the simple, humble, ordinary person in our little corner of the world. And we know better than to stick our neck out so far that we invite more of so much of what has happened, already, which is that all kinds of people will try to cut our head off.”
Check Out My Course, and Book
In my course, “Harmonize Essentials” which you can find here,
I share how to engage, listen, and eventually commune with such inner, younger versions of you.
All as a more deeply healing alternative to the widespread tendency to label and judge as “fear” and proceed with various mechanisms to crush, alter, or side-step as if the problem is some “thing” or psychological entity, structure, or aspect of brain-functioning.
Instead, you will come to appreciate your inner “you’s” as living expressions of who you have been and still live on as, waiting to be genuinely listened to and soothed.
So what will it take to begin to “get” the unprecedent value of this new revelation?
Experience suggests, based on meeting with advanced coaches for the last decade that 30 distinct lessons, repeated in a second cycle to encourage deepening, make together a 60-day daily exposure to 5–10 minute video teaching, each with a page of meditative text.
What will that do for you?
Provide guidance and accompaniment to move more energetically than ever toward fulfilling the following . . .
6 Promises of Realized Being
1. Optimize Health, without having to force yourself to comply with externally imposed disciplines
2. Heal your trauma of traumas, so as to emerge ever more fully into triggerless being
3. Relate from being already fulfilled, so as to more fully meet, embrace, and exchange meaningfully with others where and how they already are
4. Engage in whatever pleasurably, so that meeting responsibilities, challenges and goals unfolds more easily, flowingly and gracefully
5. Live with increasing ability to morph at will how you think, feel, act, and desire into wise, loving, potent , joy
6. Beam boundless blessing as you grow more able to alchemize your own and others’ personal pain and world suffering into occasions for you to fulfill your destiny to be a blessing
Get this much?
This course will guide and accompany you in progressing with the 6 Promises of realized being, which bring the wise, loving, potent joy to emerge even to yourself as the world-healer that is the core prophetic destiny of all of us humans.
For more background, check out this free webinar,
“The Greatest Secret: You in Heaven without Leaving Earth:
Email for questions:
Loving blessings,