The Hug of Hugs

Artie Vipperla, PhD
20 min readMar 20, 2021


  • Warm Good Feeling All Through You, Anytime Anywhere, in Minutes
  • More Deeply Soothing than Any Practice I’ve Found in 50 years
  • Seamless Fusion of Meditation-Yoga-Energy-Healing-Prayer
  • Know-Flow-Grow-Glow as Who You Truly Are
  • Divine-Cosmic-Uniquely-Invaluable-Messenger from Heaven on Earth
  • Grow Aura and Chakras Like Compound Interest
  • Crucial for Healing the Trauma of Traumas


All of these blended, cleansed, balanced, and dramatically expanded, in minutes


Welcome to this “read, ponder, and re-read like scripture” text, to accompany the videos linked below, and hopefully to inspire your including “The Hug of Hugs” in your life.

Soon to rank with brushing teeth and eating organic, this is a way to enhance self-soothing while cleansing, balancing, and expanding your full range of subtle energies (12 chakras in highest Yoga and sefirot in Kabbala).

Simple enough that children can learn, it only takes minutes, sitting, anywhere, anytime. With practice it works in seconds.

In effect, you hug you inwardly, by recreating bodily a mom’s post-birth holding and gentle, spiral rocking, like caring for your inner infant, and sending the vibes all through you.

And as we’ll see below, this is also how you moved your chest as an infant to coordinate crawling, and is, as well, the geometric choreography of Einstein’s curved, space-time.

Guidelines for optimizing the benefits follow below. These consist of 3 principles — Pattern, Pace, and Path, that distill what came as a spontaneous discovery fusing disciplines I had been practicing for decades — meditation, yoga, energy healing, subtle body movement, and prayer.

A further surprising discovery came through sharing hundreds of times. Dramatic energetic benefits can accumulate for people in a matter of months that have traditionally taken years or decades.

We’ll start with some simple instructions you can try while reading, then deepen in ways both to practice and understand these principles to enrich practice.


Basic Guidelines

Most effective energetically is that you begin by departing from all breath work, in an expression of breath blessing:

You invite and allow breathing to come on its own, to the point that breathing breathes you.

Breath blessing is a skill that may take some practice, with more of the “how?” below, in discussing the Path.

Most briefly:

-if you make a tight fist you can sense the squeezing

-if then allow your hand to go loose, you can sense the opening as it happens

-then if you linger with your hand newly open, you can sense how squeezing and allowing your hand to open bring some heightened vibrance in your hand.

In sensing vibrance, you’re no longer doing, or allowing, so much as welcoming the experience, as I am using these words here.

Once that sequence is clear, you can practice doing-allowing-welcoming breathing.

In just that much, you awaken from automatic, on the one hand, and free yourself from popular trends that teach ways to manipulate breathing for one or another effect, on the other.

You can then revere and appreciate how breathing knows and caringly feels the way to enliven you.

And you can experience for yourself why the founding scripture of Western spirituality names breathing, “Breath of God.”

Then you can invite, allow, and eventually welcome breathing to move you into unleashing the middle of your chest in horizontal figure-8-ing.

This Pattern echoes the supple motion you first used to crawl, staying in synch with breathing’s unhampered rhythm.

Like this:

Chest up and around to the side of your dominant hand as breathing comes in.

Next, chest down and in and back to the middle as breathing goes out.

Then up and around the other side with in-breath, down and in and back to the middle with out-breath.

And continue cycling, breathing-figure-8-ing, one side and the other, 10–20 times — and easy to keep track by counting on your fingers..

Repeat as feels most right and good.

You can see a 4 min intro instruction/demo here:

Enacting the Pattern at breathing’s Pace, which we’ll explore below, also unfolds naturally as the Path that is natural in refining any action: we refine by first doing, then allowing, and then welcoming, which we will also delve into further below.

Healing begins immediately, at least to some degree. One colleague, now a fan, who has taught all her clients says, “it really works, a good feeling in your body your mind can’t argue with.”

With practice, you will have a deeply embodied as well as soulful and spiritual (see below) way to feel more centered, grounded, coherent, resonant — wherever, whenever.

Use to prepare for or follow up on any challenging situation, or to enhance any other good ways you know to be more truly you.


Deepen Healing

You can deepen healing and energizing of the Pattern, Pace, and Path by refining your allowing into welcoming of breathing’s moving you.

To this end, you bring the sequence of squeezing your hand, allowing to open, then sensing increased vibrance to all of you, head to toe.

By welcoming breathing’s moving, you begin to melt the usually unwitting ways that virtually all of us habitually stiffen to some degree into mechanical behaviors and rigid postures.

Such melting becomes more thorough as you appreciate that much of our stiffening is hidden underneath “I’m fine!” fake-it-til-you-make-it poses.

And these poses are how you are likely, as we all are, to have defensively shriveled in some way, learned as necessary protection long ago.

Melting deepens as you shift from taking “the body as bio machine” into honoring your “bodying” as your means since birth for the looks and gestures that express how you are.

Freeing bodily from automatic poses and postures then serves like clearing your soul’s fullest throat, all of you, head-to-toe.

You can then take healing further as you direct the reverberations of chest figure-8-ing to soothe soulfully.

Moving becomes hugging that you offer inwardly, embracing younger versions of you from all ages, “little ones” still living with unheard, unwelcomed, unacknowledged mute gut groans from when you were sad, hurt, pissed, lonely, scared, or hopeless-turned-numb.

Most deeply, you reach into how you were almost certainly greeted at birth, with an unspoken but potent message in vibes:

“We will love you, but know you’re here to fit in, learn to play the game, and get yours. Forget where you just came from. We don’t live in touch with your and our eternal origins or destiny.”

This denial of our Divine-cosmic-uniquely-invaluable-bringing of Heaven to earth is, I find to the best of my powers of subtle discerning, the trauma of traumas, our civilization’s root discontent.

And in 50 years of searching, nothing I’ve experienced and tested psychically that is readily shareable reaches into and soothes so deeply as this “inner hug of hugs.”

As in any experiential practice, being guided and accompanied by someone already acquainted with how this works can be invaluable. Put more plainly, such deep healing goes best with help.

But part of the marvel is that the basics are easy and simple, and solo practice can begin right after an initial introduction.

Next, for some illuming of how and why these principles work.


Doubling Energetically to Cosmic Proportions

Most important: the Pattern, Pace, and Path involve harmonizing with universal principles. This was another crucial aspect of the discovery.

These moves came on the morning of my 67th birthday. As I had already become clair-sentient (psychic in feeling) a few years before, I could immediately appreciate and assess their energetic impact.

My aura was doubling in minutes. Doing the math, doubling 10 days is a thousand-fold increase, 20 make a million, 30 make a billion. That’s exponential growth.

The discovery is therefore not only of a simplified, highly pleasurable fusion of meditation, yoga, energy healing, subtle body movement and prayer. It is also of a way to realize cosmic proportions of energy.

I found soon after that immediate changes do not last, but when done several times in a few minute pauses through the day, benefits can accumulate, so that with diligent practice doubling occurs every two or three days.

A further striking observation dawned with people I shared with who kept up a consistent practice: they raised their Kundalini (Yoga of energy realization — “hardware upgrade”) in months to levels that traditionally take years, decades, or multiple lifetimes.

How can this be?

Here’s what my research has revealed so far of the “Why?” of each of the Pattern, Pace, and Path.


We Are the Cosmos — She is Alive

That we can grow energy exponentially suggests a profound revision in even the seemingly enlightened correctives such as “all is connected” or “entangled,” meant to supersede the long-standing idea that each of us is a separate entity.

Those alternatives usually leave unchallenged the underlying, deeply enculturated perspective inherent in mechanistic models of everything — that reality consists of parts somehow assembled in larger wholes.

In any living being like you, the living in your fingers and toes is not some partial “What?” but “Who?” which is you.

Similarly, our ability to create cosmic proportions of energy reveals that the living “Who?” in each of us, however unique we are, is our living cosmos, not really reducible to any more limited source.

No mere speculation, this is what I came to recognize as an echo of timeless universal wisdom.

Nowhere have I found it more succinctly phrased than as a major teaching from a great sage who was ahead of his time a century ago and remains ahead of ours.

Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), who left 400 volumes of collected works, all now free online, was a scientist, philosopher, linguist, scholar of history, and clair-voyant cultural innovator.

The following seminal lines of his I include in virtually all of my writings in hopes that they will spread and be embraced more widely:

“The human being is the world stage on which the great cosmic events play again and again — nature, which is also a cosmic process, enters the human being, who continuously creates matter and energy, a fact denied by the erroneous ‘law of conservation of matter and energy’ — the single greatest hurdle to understanding the human being.” 1919 “Foundations of Human Experience,” pdf online.

The error Steiner is referring to is that “conservation” of energy is only observed in closed systems, as when fuel is burned to power an engine. The mistake is to assume that it holds true in open systems, as in all that lives, including us.

To apply in practice this revised understanding, let us now take up the principles that hundreds of teaching sessions have brought me to learn as helpful aids to reaping the energetic benefits.


Understanding the Figure-8 Pattern: Energy’s Way

The unique value of this practice derives from its Pattern, as well as Pace, and Path of unfolding.

First, for the Pattern: these moves harmonize with what I found from research is the way energy makes Her way through every field She creates, from quantum to cosmos (energy is a feminine noun in all gendered languages I’ve searched):

Then, drawing on years of studying and teaching subtle body movement, I realized this:

Figure-8-ing with the middle of the chest is a discovery we all make learning to crawl during our first post-birth months of exploring how to coordinate 13 major joints and hundreds of muscles.

We explore and experiment until what unfolds most naturally is reaching forward with one arm and the opposite leg, then reversing. This is what takes chest figure-8-ing:


Then I came across this crowning insight: the “torus,” or cylinder end-to-end with infinitesimal hole, whose cross-section is a figure 8, is the geometric solution to Einstein’s equations for curved-space-time in the universe and in all energetic manifestations. (Arthur Young: “The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness”)

As for the way modern math makes the ancient intuitions of “music of the spheres” graspable in the abstract, formal terms of mainstream science, consider:

Notice below the similarity between the figure-8 and sine waves characteristic of geometric mapping of all sound and radiant emissions.

One sentence for geeks: Here is a plotting of the inverse doubling sequence of ½, 1/4.1/8,1/16 etc with the way the intervals correlate with frequencies of the notes on the 12-tone scale built into the piano keyboard after the Renaissance:


Understanding the Pace: Patient-Gentle-Sensitive-Pleasurable

I learned through teaching that telling people to “go slow” brings them to change the speed, but usually without melting through their automatic, mostly out-of-touch control of their body as an object or thing.

To invite their entering into the unfolding experience, to enrich and deepen, I found it more valuable to suggest noticing, feeling, enacting, and enjoying, all focusing, moment to moment, on just what’s emerging, this, then this, and this . . .

The importance of this 4-fold experience became clear from reflecting on what is so valuable in this hug of hugs.

These moves came as I was getting up from morning devotions (meditation, Yoga, energy healing, subtle body moves, and prayer).

Moving was happening on its own, and in a way that fused the disciplines I have been practicing for decades as part of my post-Vietnam War search to serve peace.

I could sense right away that figure-8-ing was going on through all 12 major joints (hips, shoulders, knees, elbows, ankles, wrists) plus neck.

The internet made the figure-8-ing understandable as I just shared above.

And then next most obvious surprise was that all of me was enveloped in this, I was at once noticing, feeling, enacting, and enjoying, moment to moment.

Reading clair-sentiently I could also tell that all 12 chakras (sefirot in Kabbala) were being cleansed, and in uncannily effortless balance, while expanding as much as doubling in minutes.

And I could validate from reading others as they practiced these moves that this “head-to-toe-altogether enveloped” was essential for the most full, and balanced energetic changes.

Then came the question:

How to share this practice so that an all-enveloping experience would open for people?

In particular, how to guide folks beyond what is familiar from disparate traditions that center on either awareness, or compassion, or determined action, or tantric turn-on?

I would need to find and share ways to understand, appreciate, and practice the importance of including the use and expression of all 4 of our major gatherings of energy: head, heart, belly, genitals.

At least I would need this theoretical addition for people who do not live with sensate experience readily available and full — often “a gender thing.”

So, if you are already very naturally touchy-feely, you may not find this next section so illuminating, and can skip to “Path of Unfolding,” the following section below.

And so . . .


Blending Our 4-Fold Energetic Gatherings

Simplifying, the soul expressions of these physically embodied energies can be glimpsed as:

— head to think, chest to feel, belly to act, and genitals to desire.

And then, as a suggestion of how all can be blended while moving: you notice, feel, enter into, and enjoy each moment, which arises as this (just what’s emerging), and this, then this … and so on.

With a bit of practice this blend emerges into an experience of patient, gentle, sensitive, pleasure.

Eventually, with still further refining we will take up as the Path, these can become more sublime as wise, loving, potent, joy.

As for why all 4 energy gatherings are crucial, and what, if anything, does this 4-foldness have to do with the toroidal dynamics of figure-8-ing?

Thanks again to the wonders of the internet: another work surfaced by one of the great cosmologists of the 20th century, Arthur M. Young.

In a pamphlet of 1986 (“Foundations of Science: The Missing Parameter”) Young likened the seldom appreciated features of the quantum to the 4 features of the god of gods of the Greeks and Romans:

Eros-Cupid was known as naked-blind-infant-archer.

Young intuited that ancient insights foreshadowed the modern finding that the quantum, as most elemental aspect of reality, is “naked” (originating nature), “blind” (like justice, non-discriminating), “infant” (always occurring anew), “archer” (acting at a distance.

Then, we can note that while other numerical qualities, such as unity, duality, trinity, and others recur in modern science, 4-foldness figures in with a particular structural regularity at all levels, as in the following, all from Wikipedia:

4-fold subatomic radiation
4-fold carbon bonds in all organic molecules
4 chemical bases in DNA
4 earth kingdoms — mineral, plant, animal, human

Then, an almost encyclopedia exploration of 4-foldness as formal geometric model of all energy systems surfaced when I plowed through Bucky Fuller’s magnum opus, “Synergetics” . . .

The 4-vertex, 4-faced tetrahedron:


Bucky shows in this work, subtitled “the geometry of thinking,” how two triangles, whose 3-foldness model all action-reaction-result cycles, bond to comprise the tetra:


Appreciating intuitively, we also have here a formal model of “hugging hugging,” each triangle suggestive of the dynamic of action: “action” and its opposite “reaction” embracing as “result,” and then finding a mate, which Bucky annotated his schematic drawing with “1 + 1 = 4.”

Still further illumining is Bucky’s clarifying that energy is dynamic, and the tetra-like core opens and closes, in such a way that its 6 edges, with both outer and inner facets, become 12 vectors in “vector equilibrium” structuring of all TOROIDAL fields:

Many are now familiar with the formal elaborations on Bucky’s contribution through the work of Nassim Haramein, and the Resonance Science Foundation. His delving into the sacred math and geometry derivable from the 4-letter Hebrew most sacred name of God (YHVH) I find is the single most stunning of his presentations: (

Folks with Eastern-based practices will be reminded that there are 4 Yogas in the sacred Bhagavad Gita.


Path of Unfolding: from Doing to Allowing to Welcoming Being Welcomed

The experience of moving moving me came as a surprise and mystery.

Then, through contemplating as I made it a daily practice, and experimenting for months in guiding others, I came to realize that something like this “moving moving itself” occurs at least in hints on any learning curve.

Working at acquiring any skill will be rewarded with enough practice as the desired action “comes” more easily. And this “coming” is some third business, beyond the familiar duality of either making or letting things happen.

Then I recalled a very pleasing lesson learned during my year after college, living in France to study at the Political Institute in Paris, to learn French, and to polish a few classical piano pieces I had taught myself as a senior in college.

I had been able to figure out and memorize the notes with only a child’s level of reading music, and then use repetition so they got automatic in my fingers. But the challenging passages never became smooth, let alone beautiful.

Then I met a fellow student who had studied piano for years. She showed me how to be patient in my fingers, and to change the rhythm of playing hard passages in all imaginable ways, with the goal of being so aware of playing each note that I could stop and start at any point, even play the phrase backward, and then lyrical beauty could “come.”

Contemplating in this way brought to light that I had experienced much of this “coming on its own” through decades of practicing and teaching meditation and subtle body movement:

Refining action first involves exertion, which yields through practice to greater comfort, so that eventually effortless ease comes, and then maybe flow, and possibly utter grace.

And so, in the quest to put simple words to the actions that trace this sequence, eventually what “came” is:

What we do enough, we can eventually allow, and still further, welcome.

And when welcoming grows full enough, witnessing in the midst of it reveals the melting of “things” or form and structure, and the “coming” of some accompanying welcome that welcomes our welcoming.

This experience can open onto the “Aha!” of “Form is Emptiness, Emptiness Form,” key phrase of the Buddhist “Heart Sutra.”

Then let us add that nothing remains truly “still” in all we behold in ultimate awe and wonder. So it is that the highest Tantric Buddhist practices of Tibet (Dzogchen), brought West in Tarthang Tulku’s “Time, Space, and Knowledge,” emphasize that ultimate reality is endlessly dynamic, which I paraphrase as, “All that is actually IS-es.” 😊

Ah, so the discovery of a lifetime turns out to be a fresh yet deeply resonant instance of the crowning wisdom of timeless recipes:

In the East, Lao Tse’s “Way of Life” celebrates Wu Wei, non-doing.

In the West, the founding scripture of western spirituality, understood Kabbalistically, completes the account of 7 stages of creating (the ‘7 Days’ in popular translations) with a 4-verb call, which I freely translate:

“Let your finishing touch be surrendering all effort, blessing, and making Holy.”


Ok: Pause. Breathe. Explore inviting breathing to breathe you.

All you’ve just read is enough to take in, chew, and digest, likely best in several re-readings.

When that gets easy and you’re curious to explore enhancing further, here are some more energetic-spiritual treats:


Soul Song to Our Parents of All — Divine Mystery and Mama Cosmos

To aid your creating energy ever more fully, here are the fruits of a further quest:

It’s a matter of updating subtle energy anatomy, East and West, into actions you can refine into skills for doing, allowing, and eventually so welcoming that you are welcomed into them.



This is a summary of a fuller account in my ebook, “Cosmolving” (

The quantum revolution began in 1900 with Planck’s discovery that “energy is action and unfolds in ‘packets’ like whole numbers.”

Whitehead put the change philosophically in 1929 with “there are no things, only events,” which Bucky Fuller in the 1970’s turned into the well-known quip: “God is a verb,” and I amend for consistency: “God Gods by Godding.”

Our energy centers are familiar to most Western yogis as numbering 7, while in the highest yoga, synthesized with Kabbala by Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) in “modern Pranic Healing” there are 12 chakras/sefirot, as now taught in 120 countries.

MCKS has drawn out the correspondence between these energy centers and the 12 phrases of Jesus’s Lord’s Prayer. A Kabbalistic rabbi, Aryek Kapaln showed in his “Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation,” passing on the long-secret practices of Kabbala, that a meditation for cultivating the Sefirot is encoded in the phrases of Genesis I, spread over the “7 days.”

Here is my compilation of these various sources, with a set of monosyllabic English verbs to serve like titles of 12 poems, meant to suggest the distinct yet endless potential of each energetic action (in Kabbala, numbering starts from the crown, as 1, in keeping with the word “beginning” in Genesis):

“Cosmolving: Harmonize with Creating’s Musical Choreography”

In courses and workshops I will be able to share in more detail how each of these energetic moves (turn, tune, read, etc) lends themselves to being practiced variously as:

-physical expression

-soul gesture

-spiritual mantra

As a sample, “turn” is what we are exquisitely designed to do bodily, with our 24 spinal vertebra that swivel. To gently induce the suppleness that you had as an infant, but are likely to have unconsciously armored yourself against since then, explore this:

Begin as we did in the Basic Guidelines above, inviting breathing to come on its own, until you experience breathing breathing you.

Then explore inviting breathing to swivel your hips to the right, and back.

Then to the left and back.

Next, do the same with each of these, one at a time, patiently, gently, sensitively, pleasurably: ribs, and then with shoulders, then with neck, and then eyes.

Eventually, with practice, best guided by someone who can aid you in carrying out these suggestions, you will be able to invite breathing to swivel in a coordinated blend, hips left, ribs right, shoulders left, head tight, eyes left, and back. And then reverse.

After you even attempt initially any of that for a few minutes, then rest, you can return to chest figure-8-ing and will likely notice an increase in fluid subtlety all through you.

For the rest of the moves, to include physical, soul, and spiritual expressions, I will eventually post courses on In the meantime, for coaching: Artie@EnergysWay,com


A Maha Mantra

To invoke the Divine-cosmic origins of each of these energies, which are naturally always blended in some way as you move or act bodily, soulfully, or spiritually, the following phrases can serve as a way to call in through noticing, feeling, enacting, and enjoying one at a time:

All of this to accompany chest figure-8-ing, and voiced to realize anew who you are as Divine-Cosmic-Uniquely-invaluable-bringing-Heaven-to-Earth.

A very pleasant rhythm is to recite each phrase spread over a full cycle, breathing in and out one side and then the other, as you invite breathing to breathe and move you:

“To you blessed Divine Mystery (God, Spirit) and Mama Cosmos . . .

“I am, when welcoming Your welcome . . .

. . .turning purposefully as You move me

. . . tuning awaredly as You sing my name . . .

. . . reading discerningly as You clue me in

. . . growing transformingly as You nourish me

. . . blooming intuitively as You fill me with sense

. . . reaching with initiative as You guide me onward

. . . greeting with acceptance as You meet with me

. . .joining in communion as You bond with me

. . . sharing generously as You gift me with all of this to give

. . . speaking expressively as You talk through me

. . . glowing radiantly as You fulfill your destiny as mine

AUM or OM (Hindu-Buddhist primordial sound), AMEN (Hebrew acronym for “to You Oh Faithful Ruler of All”)

Remember, you likely learned the 12 numbers on clocks, the 12 months of the year, and maybe the 12 phrases of The Lord’s Prayer when very young. In that light, this Maha Mantra is a piece of cake. 😊



Treating yourself to The Inner Hug of Hugs can bring a most convenient, immediate, and full entry into calming, soothing, awakening, head-to-toe by virtue of fusing long separate approaches into a seamless, pleasurable gesture.

Even more rewarding is to invite being inspired by the way pious people of prior ages established rhythms of prayer that harmonize with nature: getting up and going to bed, before and after meals, and blessing the exquisite workings of life with every visit to the bathroom.

Choose one of these times, hug inwardly for a minute or few, and, through practice, relish the increased vibrance. That may entice you into a full complement throughout your day of wholesome pauses that cleanse, balance, and expand you.

Appreciate, too, how this practice responds to one of the great challenges of our time: our need for balancing diverse pulls, pushes, and seemingly competing energies in personal, relational, communal, and global spheres.

Even beginners in this practice demonstrate to an observer’s psychic reading a dramatic shift into balancing all chakras/sefirot in minutes of engaging the Pattern, Pace, and Path.

Then once you are able to enter into welcoming being welcomed, as an experience you can awaken into, in its midst, you can also appreciate the sublime balancing of “wholing” that embraces, integrates, and heals all at once, with “distinguishing” each particular “this” in time, space, and quality as unique.

And now, let me leave you with one last connection:

These 12 moves are echoes of the same Ultimate sources that manifest as the 12 tones of Western music, our 12 Zodiac constellations, 12 cranial nerves, 12 ribs, and 12 meridians.

In music, endless compositions are possible with 12 tones, and endlessly more with Eastern music’s half and quarter tones.

So, consider that the 12 moves, as boundless families of energetic action, are given to us as a living palette, long ago secretly encoded in Genesis I as Divine essences, the energetic “out of which” all creating comes. The word Sefirot in Hebrew has the same root as number, letter, book.

So, with this practice, creating by . . .

  • recruiting your Divinely-cosmic-unique gifts
  • embracing bodily, soul, spiritually, the accumulated living you bring
  • enhanced by the Maha Mantra-prayer
  • you can chime in by radiating boundlessly at moments of your choosing
  • to restore humbly uplifting reverence
  • as additional gift you offer uniquely to birthing a culture of caring for life


Endless, loving blessings.




Artie Vipperla, PhD
Artie Vipperla, PhD

Written by Artie Vipperla, PhD

Harvard econ Vietnam PhD psych author US Congress “Legacies of Vietnam” & “Healing from the War” see “Meet Artie” at

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